Pumpkin Spice
Pumpkin Spice Happy Monday my lovelies! New month, new week, new goals - cheesy I know. But it actually rings true for me. I start my new Style Advisor job today and I'm high key excited! Last week was my…
Pumpkin Spice Happy Monday my lovelies! New month, new week, new goals - cheesy I know. But it actually rings true for me. I start my new Style Advisor job today and I'm high key excited! Last week was my…
Dear Cocoa Butter Crewe, I realize now that my announcement on Instagram that I was taking a hiatus last month was abrupt. And for that, I want to apologize. However, it (my hiatus) was very necessary. Here’s why: As you…
Over-the-Knee Boots It's officially fall here in New York City...yay! I finally have an excuse to break out my over-the-knee boots. And this past weekend, the weather was perfect. I (finally) had a free Saturday to go do a little…